Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Sex and Violence in Popular Culture - 1100 Words

Sex and Violence in Popular Culture (Essay Sample) Content: Sex and Name Instructor Course Date Sex and Violence in Popular Culture Sex and aggression in popular culture have emerged to be the most common theme throughout the past decade. The radio, internet, and television have been polluted with thousands of sex and violent related programs that it has become possible for everybody to see these crimes (Tramel, 1). Sex and violence are two topics that should be handled with prudence such that the youthful people, in particular, children, do not become mentally and emotionally affected by these themes. The societies are founded on the morals, traditions, plus a set of universally accepted ethical principles (Helfand, 1). Such customs are imperative since they set the pitch for decades and centuries that follow. Depiction of sex and violence in pop culture has potentially harmful impacts on the society. In the US, violence is broadly recognized as a central constituent of the American culture as well as the lifestyle. From the present-day gay bashing to the weaponry and explosives in the movies and video games, violence figures prominently in numerous aspects of the US pleasure and entertainment seeking. Violence and sex can be seen in several different manners in popular culture. Violence and sex are not limited to only the actions seen in the daily life, but rather, it can be apparent in numerous different places (Guest White, 1). Although violence and sex in popular culture is an expression of the populous’ way of life, it is still perceived by many people as a problem to children because compels them to grow up sooner. The Internet and television represent the most influential and informative types of the media that the society has at the present (Henderson, 1). These are communication methods that help the globe to transfer information from one end to the planet to the other. The public broadcasts on the televisions portray a significant amount violence and sex on a daily basis (Helfand, 1). Violence and sex can be seen in ostensibly innocent things, such as cartoons. It is not possible for a superhero to capture the baddie without exerting a certain level of aggression (Tramel, 1). Then there exists the super-heroin that goes in secret and attempts to seduce the scoundrel using her body language. Violence and sex might not appear a lot and perhaps it is not plenty but still exists. Most of the audiences are children since they have extra free time compared to the adults. Studies have revealed that the average United States child gets up to 25 hours exposure to the television per week. A few other children become exposed to the television as far as 11 hours a day (Gwen, 1). Although there is nothing erroneous with watching much television, the majorities of the programs televised are meant for adults because they show people having sex with a high degree of violence. This violence and sex influence the perception of the children about the behavior and the values those are universal and acceptable in the society (Guest White, 1). Studies have also revealed that children exposed to aggressiveness in the video programming at a juvenile age have a higher inclination to aggressive and violent behavior later in the life. On the other hand, children not so exposed to video and sex video programs at a tender age have lower chances of violent behaviors later in the life. Meaning that, later in their lives these kids exposed to early video violence will almost certainly become drug dealers, robbers or anything connected with high force (Henderson, 1). In addition to the cartoons displaying a violent and sexual implication on the public television, individual shows also present the members with extremely little clothing (Helfand, 1). Such shows include the ones based on the beaches. The shows always show an occasion slow motion takes, which acts as a device to better highlight the sexual connotation. All good shows end to come to a conclusion followi ng a violent scene (Tramel, 2). These violent scenes are where the children see the violent and sexual elements that take place in real life. The violence and sex then spark the imagination of the children. The telecommunication corporations do not mind about these awful effects because they are only interested in making cash, and if violence and sex are what it takes, they will then do it. Today’s entertainment industry is the root of all the aggression in the globe. Murders, rapes, drug abuse, riots, as well as practically anything violent are the result of the movies, music, television, plus other fun stuff. The teenagers have grown to cherish and love the cause of the mind’s deterioration (Henderson, 2). Evidence indicates that if the video technology had not been built up, there would be 10,000 fewer homicides in the world each year today. Similarly, there would be 70,000 fewer rapes plus 700,000 fewer injurious assaults in the United States (Gwen, 1). Violent cr ime would have been half of the current crime rate since television is the main source of violence and sex. Thus, the crime rate would reduce if there were no television. Entertainment is meant to entertain, but video games, music, and movies frequently portray a life of carnage and bloodshed. In each day’s scenarios, the young children get entertained and enlightened with the video games, such as Grand Theft Auto. In these games, the thief runs throughout the city killing innocent citizens, robbing citizens at gun point and have sex with prostitutes. Although Unites States is a wealthiest nation in the world, it suffers from the moral degeneration (Poniewozik, 1). In some way, the American dream has become a nightmare. The country time and again repays the individuals willing to live as well as die attempting to obtain power, money and privilege (Helfand, 1). The media could have served as an avenue for the revolution and change; unfortunately, it glorifies and...

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